Thursday, May 28, 2009

Frank J. Hanna, III and Money

I’m not sure if it is because I’m writing more about money, if it is because I’m working more with people to create more money, or what the exact reason why I’m attracting so many people into my life as Frank J. Hanna, III who are all about teaching about money’s true influence.

Frank, at an early age, made quite a bit in a business and another business, and now he has a heart for philanthropy. Frank J. Hanna, III, is a true servant heart, and just released a new book, What Your Money Means.

In a time like this, I’m sure a guy who has made millions (he sold one of the companies he co-founded for $100 million), can give us insights into money – and faith, as Frank J. Hanna, III just happens to be a guy who really believes in only serving one master – God. I haven’t yet read this book, but it sounds like one we could all use!

Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society

For a long time, I've studied many types of spirituality, and recently, I've been learning about all kinds of shamanism. I really love learning about mother earth and grandfather sky, and most recently I learned about a group called Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society.

When I went to their site, I found it hard to believe how strikingly similar their work is to information I have received in meditations - wow! And, to think there are people who actually already teach this is a very straightforward way. Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society offers a multi-year course for those who want to tap into the wisdom they share.

I find it hard to believe that the world is seemingly so small. I've been asking and wondering if there are others out there who are learning and receiving similar types of information, and then lo and behold... here comes Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society! I suppose there really is a divine connection between us all. :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

YMT Vacations

Recently, for some reason, I've been talking to a LOT of people who have been going to Hawaii. I went there when I was a little girl, and eager to return. I went out and started perusing some sites, looking for some package deals and landed on the YMT Vacations blog.

After flipping through all the amazing locales on the blog, it took me a few minutes to realize that YMT Vacations caters exclusively to seniors (and I'm not talking about the high school kind). So, while I won't be booking any travel myself, I thought it was so cool that there is a company that really knows how to help our loved ones have a great time.

It looks like YMT Vacations can help take them anywhere in the world they want to go!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Glasses and Gratitude

About eight years ago, I traded in my eyeglasses for lasik surgery. I never was very good about wearing my glasses - often leaving them behind or forgetting to put them on. I got used to playing tennis without them and would just compensate for the space in between me and the ball.

During all of those years, though, I always had a pair of regular glasses and sunglasses - both prescription - because when I wanted to wear them, I wanted to have the best. These days, eye surgery doesn't mean you can completely throw away your glasses. Many still will need bifocals are other glasses that make up the difference.

As with so many other things, I am amazed at how many types of glasses there are. For example, at, they have more than 200 types to choose from - anything and more you could ever need.

There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not grateful for my lasik... and for my glasses!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Design, Ask Genevieve and K-Designers

So, here's my new blog, and I can't believe that the first thing I'm going to blog about is Genevieve (remember her? she was on Trading Spaces - TLC, I believe with Ty Pennington). Anyway, caught her new show, Ask Genevieve, this past weekend, and all I can say is that her wacky designing is still in full force many years later!

I know there are legit design firms out there, such as K-Designers, which is the home remodeling leader in the west. I'm sure Genevieve could get some hints from the K-Designers design team, and I don't want to be harsh here since she is a nice person, but sometimes she has some REALLY crazy design ideas!

Alas, the whole reason I get addicted to remodeling shows in the first place is because I LOVE to see those before and after shots. And, speaking of those, you can see TONS of them at the K-Designers site (probably the reason I keep thinking about them). You can cruise through tons of them in the time it would take to watch Ask Genevieve. Which, I think I'll do...